Sharing is multiplying

Renata Saavedra
2 min readJan 5, 2021


From “Pachamama” (2018), beautiful animated film available on Netflix

Hi, happy new year!

2021 arrived and it’s already asking a lot of us: a lot of care, a lot of calm, a lot of courage. It also asks that we practice a core value for me: sharing, exchange, generosity. Sharing is multiplying. There is no collective or self-transformation without sharing of knowledge and information.

From now on I will use this space for this. The proposal here is:

1) Bring some sharings to light the sparkle in your eyes - or at least they do it with mine, so hopefully they can inspire you a little. Some things to think and learn about that are making me a better person, more empathetic and open.

2) Share texts on social justice, human rights, democracy defense, philanthropy, gender, feminisms, creative activisms and the like, which are my main themes of work, study and interest, but not necessarily just that.

3) Publish every Wednesday a short text, much more a brainstorm than an in-depth dive into the themes, but I promise to take care of the links and references for those who want to go further :)

4) I always step from a positive and optimistic perspective, but not naive. I am not talking about optimism disregarding or disrespecting the enormous suffering that so many people are facing around the world. My optimism is based on my belief in civic space and in the power of civil society. It’s grounded on the transformation that happens when people come together for the collective and public interest.

5) The channel is open, talk to me here or at

Welcome! And I wish a 2021 of health and balance for us.



Renata Saavedra
Renata Saavedra

Written by Renata Saavedra

Pesquisadora, feminista e fruto do sistema de educação pública brasileiro. Researcher, feminist and product of the Brazilian public education system.

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